

Dinodeck is a multiplatform, fast, rapid game development library. It’s powered by Lua and uses OpenGL for graphics.

Dinodeck is inspired by many great engines and graphics APIs I’ve used in the past but with an emphasis on speed of development and ease of distribution.

You can download the latest version from the website

This is documentation for version 1.1.2 of the engine.


The Dinodeck engine is usually called dinodeck_win.exe on windows and dinodeck_mac on mac. When executed dinodeck does the following:

  1. Checks the local directory for settings.lua.
  2. If settings.lua doesn’t exist in the local directory, it attempts to look inside data.7z to check if the file exists there. This is true for all files it attempts to load.
  3. Reads settings.lua and creates a window to display graphics and a console to display debugging information.
  4. Loads a manifest file specified in the settings.lua file. This is usually manifest.lua
  5. The manifest is a list of assets: code files, fonts, textures, sounds etc. These are loaded into memory.
  6. The game loop then starts. The settings.lua file specifies which file is the main file and which function to call each frame. By default this is usually main.lua and update().
  7. The program then runs until exited.


This file controls the overall settings for the game. It’s a Lua file and so can contain any Lua code.

Here is an example settings file:

name = "The CGGameLoop"
width = 1280/2
height = 720/2
manifest = "manifest.lua"
main_script = "main.lua"
on_update = "update()"

webserver = true

Settings Fields

Field Default Description
name “CGGameLoop” The name of your game. Appears on the window titlebar.
width 640 The width of the render area in pixels.
height 360 The height of the render area in pixels.
main_script “main.lua” This is the first file lua executes and where the on_update function is expected to exist.
on_update “update()” The main game loop called once per frame.
manifest “” The manifest file is described below. It lists all the files the game needs.
webserver false Sets up a local webserver. Used for debugging.
orientation “portrait” If you’re tinkering with mobile then this is the default orientation to start in.


If the webserver flag is set to true in the settings.lua file then dinodeck runs a local webserver on port 8080. The webbrowser is used for debugging.

You can connect locally to the webserver through this address.

The webserver doesn’t serve any HTML by default, so if you try and view it using your browser nothing will happen. The webserver is a RESTful type setup.

Reset the game with this call.

Get the last error with this call.

Run arbitary lua code with this call

Run this curl command to overwrite the update loop with one that prints “Hello” to the screen.

curl -XPOST -d 'update = function()
    gRenderer = Renderer.Create()
    gRenderer:DrawText2d(0,0, "Hello")
end' ''

Data for the execute command is provided through the post data.


Using these commands you can use Dinodeck almost like an interactive editor. Tell it reload from your text editor, or send over a snippet of code, interatively query the program at runtime. It’s a pretty powerful idea and one that that’s not been fully explored!


This is a mobile only flag. If the value is any string but "potrait" then landscape mode is chosen. Orientation swaps the values of System.ScreenWidth and System.ScreenHeight as well as the x and y axes.

The expected value is "portrait" or "landscape".


The manifest file lists the assets the game uses. Like the settings file it is a standard Lua file.

The manifest file is expected to have a table at the global level called “manifest”. This table may have serveral different subtables, each representing a different category of asset. This is best explained with an example.

An example manifest file

manifest =
    scripts =
        ['Main.lua'] =
            path = "main.lua"
    fonts =
        ['font'] =
            path = "font.ttf"
    textures =
        ['control_bar.png'] =
            path = "control_bar.png",
            scale = "pixelart"

All assets are represented by a key, value pair. The key is the name of the asset (used in the project to access it), the value is table with the path to the asset file and additional meta data about how to treat the asset.

Supported Top Level Tables

Name Description
scripts Lua scripts.
fonts Font files.
textures Image files.
sounds Sound files.
soundstreams Sound files to be streamed off disk. Not supported

Script Formats

Any plain text file is fine. By convention it’s normal for script files to have a ’.lua’ extension.

Font Formats

The font loader expects true type fonts i.e. .tff.

Texture Formats

The following texture formats are supported:

Dinodeck uses SOIL to load images. Format documentation taken from the site.

A texture asset may have an optional scale flag. This determines how the scaling works. By default scaling a sprite causes the texture to be interpolated; smoothing out the pixels. The "pixelart" flag scales using “nearest neighbor” so the pixel boundaries remain distinct.

Sound Formats

Only .wav is supported.

General Notes

Running Multiple Versions

If you run multiple versions with the webserver enabled, they try to open the same port and every version after the first application will fail to shut down cleanly.

Global Functions

Dinodeck injects a few global functions into the Lua namespace.

Function Parameters Description
LoadLibrary string Used to load libraries into the Lua namespace.
GetDeltaTime n/a Seconds since last frame.
GetTime n/a Seconds since epoch. Wraps the c time function.


Example use of LoadLibrary


nil LoadLibrary( string )

LoadLibrary takes in a string that must be the name of a valid library.

Library names are case sensitive, trying to load a library that doesn’t exist causes Dinodeck to enter a crash state.

Name Description
Asset Access assets specified in the manifest file.
Http Send Http messages.
HttpPostData Add POST data to http messages.
Keyboard Check keyboard input.
Matrix Matrix class.
Mouse Check mouse input.
Renderer Draw things to the screen.
SaveGame Save and load data.
Sound Play sounds.
SoundStream Stream sounds from the disk. Not supported.
Sprite Create and draw 2d sprites.
System System functions.
Texture Load textures and assign them to sprites.
Time Time functions.
Touch Touch input. Mobile only.
Vector Vector class.


Example use of GetDeltaTime

gDt = GetDeltaTime()

nil GetDeltaTime( nil )

Returns the time in seconds that the last frame took to execute.

Delta is often used to make animations run smoothly no matter the game speed. Dinodeck’s frames are capped at 60 frames per second.


Example use of GetTime

local time_now = GetTime()

number GetTime( nil )

Returns the time in seconds that have elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 1 January 1970 (i.e. Unix Epoch time). Often used for seeding Lua’s random number generator.


Dinodeck comes with a number of built in libraries. These can be loaded into your game using the LoadLibrary function.

> Asset

Assets are files used by the game. In practice we only care about the lua files in the manifest.


Example use of Asset.Run


manifest =
    scripts =
        ['Main.lua'] =
            path = "main.lua"
            path = "AnotherFile.lua"



nil Asset.Run( string assetName )

Parameter Type Description Optional
assetName string Name of an asset defined in the manifest file.

The function takes in the name of an asset as defined in the manifest file. It then executes the asset.

Assets are most commonly Lua scripts, using Asset.Run allows projects to be composed of multiple scripts.

> Http

The Http library allows data to be retrieved and sent from websites. This opens up the possibility of leaderboards, asynchronous multiplayer games, cloud saves, integration of social services and interesting things of that sort.


Example use of Http.Post

            print('Success:', data)

Here the data is the html page of “”.

nil Http.Post(string url, HttpPostData postData, function OnSuccess, function OnFailure)

Parameter Type Description Optional
url string The http address to contact.
postData HttpPostData Data to attach to the http request and send to the target webpage. ✓ Default: nil
OnSuccess function A lua function that gets called on successfully contacting the target site.
OnFailure function A lua function that gets called on failing to contact the target site

When sending a POST request to a website OnSuccess is called if contact is successfully made with the website. OnFailure occurs if the request times out or there’s a failure to contact the website. The OnSuccess function may be passed the information from the website as a string. PostData can be sent with the request, such as a highscore, or it may be nil if no postdata is required.


Used to attach data to a Http POST request.


Example of creating a HttpPostData object.

local postData = HttpPostData.Create("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

HttpPostData HttpPostData.Create( string content_type )

Parameter Type Description Optional
content_type string Controls how post data is attached : “multipart/form-data” or “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Creates a HttpPostData object. The encoding_type may be “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” or “multipart/form-data”.

Generally it’s best to use “multipart/form-data” but it also depends on the site you’re sending the data to.


The data is attached to the end of the URL


The data is attached to the request in chunks.


Add Value example

local postData = HttpPostData.Create("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
postData:AddValue("data", "{score=1000}")

nil HttpPostData.AddValue(string key, string value)

Parameter Type Description Optional
key string The string id of the data to attach to the request.
value string The string value of the data to attach to the request.

Adds a key value pair to the post data that can then be sent on to the post request.

> Keyboard

The keyboard library lets you query the state of the keyboard.

The following globals are added to query the state of keys. Each entry is an integer value representing the keycode.

Key Description
KEY_BACKSPACE The Backspace key.
KEY_TAB The Tab key.
KEY_CLEAR The 5 key on a numpad when NumLock is off.
KEY_RETURN The Return / Enter key.
KEY_PAUSE The Pause key.
KEY_ESCAPE The Escape key.
KEY_SPACE The Space key.
KEY_EXCLAIM The ! key.
KEY_HASH The # key.
KEY_DOLLAR The $ key.
KEY_QUOTE The ’ key.
KEY_A The A key.
KEY_B The B key.
KEY_C The C key.
KEY_D The D key.
KEY_E The E key.
KEY_F The F key.
KEY_G The G key.
KEY_H The H key.
KEY_I The I key.
KEY_J The J key.
KEY_K The K key.
KEY_L The L key.
KEY_M The M key.
KEY_N The N key.
KEY_O The O key.
KEY_P The P key.
KEY_Q The Q key.
KEY_R The R key.
KEY_S The S key.
KEY_T The T key.
KEY_U The U key.
KEY_V The V key.
KEY_W The W key.
KEY_X The X key.
KEY_Y The Y key.
KEY_Z The Z key.
KEY_0 The 0 key.
KEY_1 The 1 key.
KEY_2 The 2 key.
KEY_3 The 3 key.
KEY_4 The 4 key.
KEY_5 The 5 key.
KEY_6 The 6 key.
KEY_7 The 7 key.
KEY_8 The 8 key.
KEY_9 The 9 key.
KEY_UP The up arrow key.
KEY_DOWN The down arrow key.
KEY_RIGHT The right arrow key.
KEY_LEFT The left arrow key.
KEY_INSERT The insert key.
KEY_HOME The home key.
KEY_END The end key.
KEY_PAGEUP The page up key.
KEY_PAGEDOWN The page down key.
KEY_RSHIFT The right shift key.
KEY_LSHIFT The left shift key.
KEY_RCTRL The right control key.
KEY_LCTRL The left control key.
KEY_RALT The right alt key.
KEY_LALT The left alt key.


Example of the Held function.


gRenderer = Renderer:Create()
gRenderer:AlignText("center", "center")
function update()
    if Keyboard.Held(KEY_A) then
        gRenderer:DrawText2d(0, -20, "The A key is being held.")

boolean Keyboard.Held( number keyCode)

Parameter Type Description Optional
keyCode number The key to check if held. Refer to the table in the Keyboard Library for a full lisitng of key codes.

Returns true if the key is currently being pressed.


boolean Keyboard.JustReleased( number keyCode )

Parameter Type Description Optional
keyCode number The key to check if held. Refer to the table in the Keyboard Library for a full lisitng of key codes.

Returns true if the key was released during the previous frame.


boolean Keyboard.JustPressed( number keyCode )

Returns true if the key was pressed during the previous frame.

Parameter Type Description Optional
keyCode number The key to check if held. Refer to the table in the Keyboard Library for a full lisitng of key codes.

> Matrix

A matrix 4x4 class. Matrices are useful for transformations.


Example Matrix Creates functions.


local m = Matrix:Create() -- identity
local m2 = Matrix:Create(m) -- clone

local m3 = Matrix:Create(
    Vector.Create(1, 0, 0, 0),
    Vector.Create(0, 1, 0, 0),
    Vector.Create(0, 0, 1, 0),
    Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 1),

Matrix Matrix.Create( nil )

If no data is passed in then the matrix is initialised to the identity matrix.

The identity matrix.

1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1

Matrix Matrix.Create( Matrix m )

Parameter Type Description Optional
m Matrix Data is copied from this matrix to create new one.

Matrix Matrix.Create( Vector row0, Vector row1, Vector row2, Vector row3 )

Parameter Type Description Optional
row0 Vector First row of the matrix as a vector
row1 Vector Second row of the matrix as a vector
row2 Vector Third row of the matrix as a vector
row3 Vector Forth row of the matrix as a vector

This function creates a new matrix object.


The multiply operation supports matrix, matrix multiplication and matrix vector multiplication.

Matrix Matrix.Create(Matrix lhs, Matrix rhs)

Parameter Type Description Optional
lhs Matrix Left-hand side matrix in the multiplication.
rhs Matrix Right-hand side matrix in the multiplication.

Vector Matrix.Create(Matrix lhs, Vector rhs)

Parameter Type Description Optional
lhs Matrix Left-hand side matrix in the multiplication.
rhs Vector Right-hand side vector in the multiplication.


This function updates a column inside a matrix.

nil Matrix.SetColumn(Matrix m, int index, Vector v)

Parameter Type Description Optional
m Matrix Matrix to update.
index number The matrix column to update 1 - 4.
v Vector The values to write into the column.

nil Matrix.SetColumn(Matrix m, int index, number x, number y, number z, number w)

Parameter Type Description Optional
m Matrix Matrix to update.
index number The matrix column to update 1 - 4.
x number Value to write position 1 of the column.
y number Value to write position 2 of the column.
z number Value to write position 3 of the column.
w number Value to write position 4 of the column.


Write a rotation transformation into the matrix.

nil Matrix.SetRotation(Matrix m, Vector axis, number angle)

Parameter Type Description Optional
m Matrix The matrix to write the rotation data to.
axis Vector The normal vector to rotate around.
angle number The amount of rotation to apply in degrees.


Write a scale transform into the matrix.

nil Matrix.SetScale(Matrix m, Vector scale)

Parameter Type Description Optional
m Matrix The matrix to write the scale data to.
scale Vector The scale to apply along the x, y and z axis.


Write a translate transform into the matrix.

nil Matrix.SetTranslate(Matrix m, Vector translate)

Parameter Type Description Optional
m Matrix The matrix to write the translate data to.
scale Vector The translation to apply to the x, y and z axis.

Override: To String

Return the matrix as a string.

local m = Matrix:Create()

> 1, 0, 0, 0,
> 0, 1, 0, 0,
> 0, 0, 1, 0,
> 0, 0, 0, 1

Override: Multiple Operator

Multiply a matrix with another matrix or a vector.

local m = Matrix:Create()
local m2 = m * m            -- returns a martix
local v = Vector.Create()
local v3 = m * v            -- returns a vector

> Mouse

The Mouse library lets us query the mouse. The mouse adds the following global variables for querying the mouse buttons.


The current X position of the mouse.

float Mouse.X()

local x = Mouse:X()


The current Y position of the mouse.

float Mouse.Y()

local y = Mouse:Y()


The X, Y position of the mouse returned as a Vector. The z coordinate is 0.

Vector Mouse.Position()


The position of the mouse on the previous frame.

Vector Mouse.PrevPosition()


The difference between the PrevPosition and the Position as a vector.

Vector Mouse.Difference()


If a mouse button has just been pressed down.

bool Mouse.JustPressed(int mouseButton)

Parameter Type Description Optional
mouseButton int The mouse button to test either left, middle or right.
if Mouse.JustPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) then
    print("Left mouse button pressed.")


If a mouse button has just been pressed and then released.

bool Mouse.JustReleased(int mouseButton)

Parameter Type Description Optional
mouseButton int The mouse button to test either left, middle or right.
if Mouse.JustReleased(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) then
    print("Left mouse button released.")


Is the current mouse button being held.

bool Mouse.Held(int mouseButton)

Parameter Type Description Optional
mouseButton int The mouse button to test either left, middle or right.
-- Draws "Hello World" next to the mouse position.
gRenderer = Renderer.Create()
if Mouse.Held(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) then
    local pos = Mouse.Position()
    gRenderer:DrawText2d(pos:X(), pos:Y(), "Hello World")

> Renderer

The renderer library is responsible for drawing things to the screen.

The render library adds two variables to the global namespace:

Key Description
BLEND_BLEND The normal blend mode for sprites.
BLEND_ADDITIVE Additive blend mode for sprites.


Sets the the alignment for any subsequent text drawn to this renderer.

gRenderer = Renderer.Create()
gRenderer:AlignText("center", "center")

function update()
    gRenderer:DrawText2d(0, 0, "Hello World")

nil Renderer.AlignText(Renderer renderer, string alignX, string alignY)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The text alignment is set for this renderer.
alignX string Takes in a “left”, “right” or “center” alignment values. ✓ Default: nil
alignY string Takes in a “top”, “bottom” or “center” alignment values. ✓ Default: nil


Set the horizontal alignment for any subsequent text drawn to this renderer.

nil Renderer.AlignX(Renderer renderer, string align)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The text alignment is set for this renderer.
align string Takes in a “left”, “right” or “center” alignment value.


Set the vertical alignment for any subsequent text drawn to this renderer.

nil Renderer.AlignY(Renderer renderer, string align)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The text alignment is set for this renderer.
align string Takes in a “top”, “bottom” or “center” alignment value.


Creates a Renderer object. Usually you’ll only need a single renderer. (Future work could, in theory, extend this to allow renderers to draw to a texture instead of the screen.)

Renderer Renderer.Create()

gRenderer = Renderer:Create()
gRenderer:Align("center", "center")

function update()
    gRenderer:DrawText2d(0,0,"Hello World")


Define a clipping rectangle in screenspace. Pixels are only drawn inside the rectangle. Clip commands can be nested but only the most recently set clipping command is active.

nil Renderer.Clip(Renderer renderer, number x, number y, number width, number height, function doRender)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to clip.
x number Left position of the clipping rectangle.
y number Top position of the clipping rectangle.
width number Width of the clipping rectangle. Negative numbers are rounded to 0.
height number Height of the clipping rectangle. Negative numbers are rounded to 0.
doRender function Any render commands called in this function, are clipped to the clipping rectangle.
gRenderer = Renderer:Create()

function update()
    -- The right half of the screen gets clipped.
    gRenderer:Clip(0,0, System.ScreenWidth()/2, System.ScreenHeight()/2,
        gRenderer:DrawText2d(0,0,"Hello World")


Draw an unfilled circle to the screen. The circle is always white.

nil Renderer.DrawCircle2d(Renderer renderer, number x, number y, number radius, number segments)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The circle is drawn using this renderer.
x number Center x position of circle.
y number Center y position of circle.
radius number The radius of the circle.
segments number The number of line segments used to draw the circle. ✓ Default: 16


Draw a straight 2d line segment between two points. The points can be two vectors or four numbers.

nil Renderer.DrawLine2d(Renderer renderer, Vector start, Vector end, Vector color)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The line is drawn using this renderer.
start Vector Start point of the line.
end Vector End point ofr the line.
color Vector RGBA color to color the line. ✓ Default: White

nil Renderer.DrawLine2d(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, Vector color)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The line is drawn using this renderer.
x1 Vector x position of line start.
y1 Vector y position of line start.
x2 Vector x position of line end.
y2 Vector y position of line end.
color Vector RGBA color to color the line. ✓ Default: White


Draws a filled rectangle to the screen. The rectangle can be specified with two vectors or four numbers.

-- Draw a black screen over the entire render area

nil Renderer.DrawRect2d(Renderer renderer, Vector bottomLeft, Vector topRight, Vector color)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The rectangle is drawn using this renderer.
bottomLeft Vector Bottom left point of rectangle.
topRight Vector Top right point of rectangle.
color Vector RGBA color to fill the rectangle with. ✓ Default: Black

nil Renderer.DrawRect2d(Renderer renderer, number left, number bottom, number right, number top, Vector color)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The rectangle is drawn using this renderer.
left number Position of left edge of the rectangle.
bottom number Position of the bottom edge of the rectangle.
right number Position of the right edge of the rectangle.
top number Position of the top edge of the rectangle.
color Vector RGBA color to fill the rectangle with. ✓ Default: Black


Draw a sprite to the screen. Each sprite has it’s own position. Sprites are center aligned by default.

gRenderer = Renderer.Create()
gSprite = Sprite.Create()

function update()

nil Renderer.DrawSprite(Renderer renderer, Sprite sprite)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The sprite is drawn using this renderer.
sprite Sprite The sprite to draw.


Draw a string of text to the screen using the current options set for the renderer. By default text is draw aligned from the top, left.

nil Renderer.DrawText2d(Renderer renderer, Vector pos, string text, Vector color, number width)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The text is drawn using this renderer.
position Vector Position to draw the text.
text string Text to draw.
color Vector Color to draw the text. ✓ Default: White
width number The max width of the text before it’s wrapped onto a new line ✓ Default: -1 (no wrapping)

nil Renderer.DrawText2d(Renderer renderer, number x, number y, string text, Vector color, number width)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The text is drawn using this renderer.
x number x position to render text
y number y position to render text
text string Text to draw.
color Vector Color to draw the text. ✓ Default: White
width number The max width of the text before it’s wrapped onto a new line ✓ Default: -1 (no wrapping)


Kerning describes the pixel distance between two letters in a piece of text for a given font. i.e. ll tend to be closer together that ww in a non-monospace font.

A string is passed into this function because Lua doesn’t have a char type. If the string is greater than 1 character only the first character is used.

nil Renderer.GetKern(Renderer renderer, string char1, string char2)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The text is drawn using this renderer.
char1 string x position to render text ✓ Default: ’\0’
char2 string y position to render text ✓ Default: ’\0’


Return the camera rotation in degrees for the renderer. This is 0 by default.

number Renderer.GetRotate(Renderer renderer)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to get the rotation from.


Returns the scale on the X and Y axis for the current renderer. The scale is X: 1, Y: 1 by default.

Vector Renderer.GetScale(Renderer renderer)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to get the scale from.


Returns the current rotation applied to text drawn on the renderer, in degrees. Default rotation is 0.

Vector Renderer.GetTextRotation(Renderer renderer)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to get the text rotation from.


Returns the X, Y translation (this can be thought of as the position or offset, if you’re not familiar with the term translation) applied to the renderer.

Vector Renderer.GetTranslate(Renderer renderer)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to get the translation from.


Given a piece of text this will return the text’s width and height for the current renderer in pixels (no rounding, so depending on the scale and font this may include fractional pixels).

nil Renderer.MeasureText(Renderer renderer, string text, Vector output, number width)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to use when measuring the text.
text string The text to measure.
output Vector The vector to write the width and height to. These are written to the X and Y elements.
width number The pixel width after which the text will wrap. A value of -1 means the with is unlimited. ✓ Default: -1

Vector Renderer.MeasureText(Renderer renderer, string text, number width)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to use when measuring the text.
text string The text to measure.
width number The pixel width after which the text will wrap. A value of -1 means the with is unlimited. ✓ Default: -1


Given a string of text, an index into that text and max width, this function returns the largest chunk of text after the index that fits within the max width for the current render settings.

This function respects word boundaries. It won’t break a word in half. i.e. “We went to the park”, will never be returned as “We went to the pa”, “rk”, instead it would be “We went to the ”, “park”

local text = "This is a lot of text and it won't fit in a small area. Therefore we might want to let the player page through it, or issue a warning etc."
gRenderer = Renderer.Create()

start, finish = gRenderer:NextLine(text, 1, 256)

print("First chunk: ", string.sub(text, start, finish))

number, number Renderer.NextLine(Renderer renderer, string text, number index, number maxwidth)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to use when working out the next chunk of text that fits.
text string The text to break up.
index number Where to start in the text string. The index must be 1 or great and no greater than the text length
width number The maximum width the line can be in pixels before cutting it off.

The function returns the chunk of text that fits before the max width as two indices. The first is the start index, the second is the end.


Set the rotation of the renderer in degrees.

nil Renderer.Rotate(Renderer renderer, number rotation)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to rotate.
rotation number The rotation to set the renderer to in degrees.


Set the rotation of any subsequent text commands sent to the renderer. In degrees, default is 0.

nil Renderer.RotateText(Renderer renderer, number rotation)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to rotate.
rotation number The rotation for all subsequent text calls for the renderer.


Set the scale of renderer on the X and Y axis. Default value is X: 1, Y: 1.

nil Renderer.Scale(Renderer renderer, Vector scale)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to scale.
scale Vector The scale for the renderer.

nil Renderer.Scale(Renderer renderer, number scaleX, number scaleY)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to scale.
scaleX number The x scale for the renderer.
scaleY number The y scale for the renderer. ✓ Default: current scale on the y


Set the X, Y scale for any subsequent text calls.

nil Renderer.ScaleText(Renderer renderer, number scaleX, number scaleY)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to set the text scale for.
scaleX number The text x scale for the renderer.
scaleY number The text y scale for the renderer. ✓ Default: 0


Set the horizontal scale for any subsequent text calls.

nil Renderer.ScaleTextX(Renderer renderer, number scale)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to set the text scale for.
scale number The text x scale for the renderer.


Set the vertical scale for any subsequent text calls.

nil Renderer.ScaleTextY(Renderer renderer, number scale)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to set the text scale for.
scale number The text y scale for the renderer.


Set the blend mode for any subsequent calls to the renderer. Additive blend works well for some particle effects, laser, explosions etc.

gRenderer = Renderer.Create()

There are two blend modes:

nil Renderer.SetBlend(Renderer renderer, number blend)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to set the blend mode for.
blend number The number for the blend mode. 1 is normal, 2 is additive. There are some globals added by the renderer to make it more friendly to use.


Set a font to be used for any subsequent draw text calls. All fonts must be included in the manifest before they can be used.

nil Renderer.SetFont(Renderer renderer, string fontName)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to set the font for.
fontName string The name of the font is defined in the manifest file.


Set the translation for the renderer.

nil Renderer.Translate(Renderer renderer, Vector position)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to translate.
position Vector New offset for the renderer. Values are taken from the X, Y elements.

nil Renderer.Translate(Renderer renderer, number x, number y)

Parameter Type Description Optional
renderer Renderer The renderer to scale.
x number The x scale for the renderer.
y number The y scale for the renderer. ✓ Default: current y position

> SaveGame

Dinodeck supports extremely simple saving. On PC and Mac a save game file save.dat will be written to the same directory when the save game is written. To save the Lua data the data needs serialising to a string.


Create the save game object.

SaveGame SaveGame.Create()


Read the save game as a string.

string SaveGame.Read(SaveGame saveGame)

local data = someSave:Read()
print("Save data: ", data)


Write a Lua string to the save game. This overwrites any existing save game.

nil SaveGame.Write(SaveGame saveGame, string data)

local someSave = SaveGame.Create()
someSave:Write("{level_unlocked = 1}")

> Sound

Play a sound definied in the manifest. Only .wavs are supported.


Play a sound.

local id = Sound.Play("button_press", false)

number Sound.Play(string name, boolean loop)

Parameter Type Description Optional
name string The name of the sound as defined in the manifest.
loop boolean If the sound should loop. ✓ Default: false

The play function returns an id that can be used to control the sound.


Stop a sound.

nil Sound.Stop(number id)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound.


Pause a sound.

nil Sound.Pause(number id)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound.


Resume a paused sound.

nil Sound.Resume(number id)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound.


Set the volume of a sound, from 0 to 1.

nil SoundSetVolume(number id, number volume)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound.
volume number The volume to set the sound. 0 to 1.

> SoundStream

Soundstream is for streaming music from the hard disk.


Start playing the soundstream.

local id = SoundStream.Play("background_music", true)

number SoundStream.Play(string name, boolean loop)

Parameter Type Description Optional
name string The name of the soundstream as defined in the manfiest.
loop boolean If the soundstream should loop. ✓ Default: false

The returned number is an id for the soundstream that can be used to alter it’s volume or turn it off etc.


Stop a soundstream.

nil SoundStream.Stop(number id)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound stream.


Pause a sound stream.

nil SoundStream.Pause(number id)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound stream.


Resume a paused sound stream.

nil SoundStream.Resume(number id)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound stream.


Set the volume of a sound stream, from 0 to 1.

nil SoundStream.SetVolume(number id, number volume)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id number The id of the sound stream.
volume number The volume to set the sound stream. 0 to 1.

> Sprite

Sprites are used to draw images to the screen. They can be colored, moved, scaled and rotated. Sprites are pretty lightweight so you can have a lot and it should still be performant.


Create a new Sprite object.

Sprite Sprite.Create()


Get the color of the sprite. By default the color is white RGBA: (1, 1, 1, 1).

nil Sprite.GetColor(Sprite s, Vector v)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the color from.
v Vector The sprite color is written into this vector.

Vector Sprite.GetColor(Sprite s)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the color from.


Get the position of the sprite. By default this is X: 0, Y: 0.

nil Sprite.GetPosition(Sprite s, Vector v)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the Position from.
v Vector The sprite position is written into the X, Y components of this vector.

Vector Sprite.GetPosition(Sprite s)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the position from.


Get the rotation of the sprite in degrees. By default this is 0.

number Sprite.GetScale(Sprite s)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the rotation from.


Gets the scale for the sprite. By default this is X:1, Y:1.

nil Sprite.GetScale(Sprite s, Vector v)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the scale from.
v Vector The sprite scale is written into the X, Y components of this vector.

Vector Sprite.GetScale(Sprite s)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the scale from.


Gets the texture currently associated with the sprite. If no texture is assigned this returns nil.

-- Get pixel size of the sprite
-- s is a setup sprite
local t = s:GetTexture()
local width = t:GetWidth()
local height = t:GetHeight()
local scale = s:GetScale()
print(string.format("Sprite is %d x %d pixels",
    width * s:X(),
    height * s:Y()))

Texture Sprite.GetTexture(Sprite s)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to get the texture from.


Set the color of the sprite. This color uses a multiply blend. This means if the sprite was a white circle with a black border and it’s color was set to red, the white parts would be red and the black would stay the same.

local s = Sprite.Create()
local t = Texture.Find("circle.png")
s:SetColor(Vector.Create(1, 0, 0, 0))

The color is represented by a vector where the four color channels RGBA map to XYZW. (That’s Red, Green, Blue, Alpha. The alpha channel controls the sprite’s opacity).

nil Sprite.SetColor(Sprite s, Vector color)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the color for.
color Vector The color of the sprite. XYZW elements map to RGBA.


Set the position for a sprite. This is where it’s drawn when rendered. By default the position is X: 0, Y: 0; dead center of the screen.

-- Draw an image in top left corner of the screen
gRenderer = Renderer.Create()
local s = Sprite.Create()
local t = Texture.Find("monkey_face.png")

function update()

nil Sprite.SetPosition(Sprite s, Vector position)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the position for.
position Vector The position of the sprite. Only the X, Y elements are used.

nil Sprite.SetPosition(Sprite s, number x, number y)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the position for.
x number The x position for the sprite.
y number The y position for the sprite. ✓ Default: The current y value.


Set the rotation for the sprite in degrees. The default rotation value is 0.

-- Draw a spinning monkey face on screen.

gRenderer = Renderer.Create()

local s = Sprite.Create()

local t = 0
function update()
    t = t + GetDeltaTime()
    -- Will range from -180 to 180

nil Sprite.SetRotation(Sprite s, number rotation)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the rotation for.
rotation number The rotation in degrees.


Set the scale for the sprite. 1 represents the sprite’s original scale. The default scale for a sprite is X: 1, Y: 1.

local s = Sprite.Create()
s:SetScale(10, 10) -- make it 10x as big

s:SetScale(1, 2) -- make it 2x as tall

-- reset using a vector
local originalScale = Vector.Create(1, 1)

-- half size
s:SetScale(originalScale * 0.5)

nil Sprite.SetScale(Sprite s, Vector scale)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the scale for.
scale Vector Vector to use to set the scale. X is the width, Y is the height.

nil Sprite.SetScale(Sprite s, number scaleX, number scaleY)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the scale for.
scaleX number Scale for the sprite’s width.
scaleY number Scale for the sprite’s height. ✓ Default: 0


Assign a texture for the sprite to use when drawn.

Sprite s = Sprite.Create()

nil Sprite.SetTexture(Sprite s, Texture t)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the texture for.
t Texture The texture to assign to the sprite.


Set the texture coordinates for the sprite. If you’re not already familiar with U,Vs they; define a rectangle that’s cut out of the sprite’s texture. By default we use the entire texture from the top left (0,0) to the bottom right (1, 1).

--Use only the top quarter of a texture
local s = Sprite.Create()
s:SetUVs(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5)

Using this function you can do neat things like scroll the UVs.

nil Sprite.SetUVs(Sprite s, number u1, number v1, number u2, number v2)

Parameter Type Description Optional
s Sprite The sprite to set the UVs on.
u1 number The leftmost coordinate for the texture.
v1 number The topmost coordinate for the texture.
u2 number The rightmost coordinate for the texture.
v2 number The bottommost coordinate for the texture.


A metatable entry for writing to a string. Outputs the type information.

local sprite = Sprite.Create()
print(sprite) -- "Sprite"

> System

System functions control how the game is displayed and interacts with the host operating system.


This call closes down the application. Want to implement a Quit button? This is what you’re after.

nil System.Exit()


This a dummy function that will always return true.

boolean System.IsWideScreen()


Opens a URL in the default webbrowser.


nil System.OpenURL(string url)


Get the the top left position of the screen in pixels. (Equivalent to: -ScreenWidth()/2, ScreenHeight).

Vector System.ScreenTopLeft()


Get the the bottom right position of the screen in pixels. (Equivalent to: ScreenWidth()/2, -ScreenHeight).

Vector System.ScreenBottomRight()


Get the height of the screen in pixels.

number ScreenHeight()


Get the width of the screen in pixels.

number ScreenWidth()


Returns the current version of Dinodeck as a string.

string Version()

local version = System.Version()
print(version) -- "v1.1.2"

> Texture

A class that represents a reference to a texture defined in the manifest file.


This is a “static” function that let’s you create textures from the manifest. Each texture is a reference so creating two different textures using the same file doesn’t cause any siginificant overhead.

-- Imagine your manifest looks like this
manifest =
    scripts =
        ['Main.lua'] = { path = "main.lua" },
    textures =
        ['logo.png'] = { path = "logo.png", },
-- Then you load that texture in main.lua as so

local t = Texture.Find("logo.png")
string.format("The texture is %s pixels wide.",
-- Prints:
-- The texture is 128 pixels wide.

Texture Texture.Find(string id)

Parameter Type Description Optional
id string The id of the texture, as defined in the manifest file.


Get the height of texture in pixels.

number Texture.GetHeight(Texture t)

Parameter Type Description Optional
t Texture The texture to get the height from.


Get the width of texture in pixels.

number Texture.GetWidth(Texture t)

Parameter Type Description Optional
t Texture The texture to get the width from.


A metatable entry for writing to a string. Outputs the texture dimensions and type information.

local logo = Texture.Find("logo.png")
print(logo) -- "Texture [128 x 128]"

> Time

Time and date code is notoriously tricky but luckily this library is here to help out.


Returns the difference between two times in seconds.

number Time.Difference(number time1, number time2)


gRenderer = Renderer:Create()

start = Time.GetTime()

function update()

    local now = Time.GetTime()
    local runTimeSecs = Time.Difference(start, now)

    gRenderer:AlignText("right", "center")
    gRenderer:DrawText2d(-5, 0, "Program Has Been Running For:")
    gRenderer:AlignText("left", "center")
    gRenderer:DrawText2d(5, 0, string.format("%ds", runTimeSecs))


Returns the date, in the range 1-31, from a raw time number.

number GetDate(number time)

local now = Time.GetTime()
print(Time.GetDate(now)) -- a number representing the date


Returns the day, in the range 1-7, from a raw time number.

local now = Time.GetTime()
print(Time.GetDay(now)) -- a number representing the day

number GetDay(number time)


Returns the hour of the day from a raw time number. In the range 0 - 23.

local now = Time.GetTime()
print(Time.GetHour(now)) -- a number representing the hour

number GetHour(number time)


Returns the current minute of the time from a raw time number. (This not the time in minutes, it’s the minute value of the current time. i.e. if the time ends in 4:03 this function returns 3.)

The range returned is 0 - 59.

number GetMinute(number time)


Gets the month from a raw time string. The range is 1-12.

number GetMonth(number time)


Get the second value for the current time.


Get the raw time string for the current date and time.

local time = Time.GetTime()
print("It's the year %s", Time.GetYear(time))

number GetTime()


Get the year for the current raw string.

number GetYear(number time)

> Touch

The touch library is for touch input, such as a mobile phone screen.


Is the user pressing their finger against the touchpad.

boolean Touch.Held()

Returns true if held, otherwise false.


Has the user touched the pad for the first time.

boolean Touch.JustPressed()

Returns true if just pressed, otherwise false.


Has the user released their press of the touch screen.

boolean Touch.JustReleased()

Returns true if just released the press otherwise false.


Gets the last position of the touch as a vector. Starts at 0, 0.

Vector Touch.Position()

void Touch.Position(Vector v)


Gets the last X position of the touch.

number Touch.X()


Gets the last Y position of the touch.

number Touch.Y()

> Vector

A Vector class. It has four elements: XYZW. It’s used for physics simulations and math stuff. The vector is also used as a simple way to hold a color where XYZW is treated as RGBA.


Adds two vectors together, or adds a number to all vector values.

local v1 = Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 1)
local v2 = Vector.Create(1, 1, 1, 1)

Vector.Add(v1, v2) -- (1, 1, 1, 2)
v1:Add(v2) -- (1, 1, 1, 2)

Vector.Add(v2, 1) -- (2, 2, 2, 2)
v1:Add(1) -- (1, 1, 1, 2)

Vector Vector.Add(Vector v1, Vector v2)

Parameter Type Description Optional
v1 Vector The first vector to add.
v2 Vector The second vector to add

Vector Vector.Add(Vector v1, float n)

Parameter Type Description Optional
v1 Vector The first vector to add.
n number Number to add to each of the vector’s elements


Copies the data from one Vector to another.

local v1 = Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 1)
local v2 = Vector.Create(1, 1, 1, 1)

print(v1) -- (1, 1, 1, 1)
Vector.Copy(v2, Vector.Create(5, 4, 3, 2))
print(v2) -- (5, 4, 3, 2)

Vector Vector.Copy(Vector to, Vector from)

Parameter Type Description Optional
to Vector The vector that will have it data overriden.
from Vector The vector to copy the new data from.


Create a new Vector.

local v = Vector.Create()
print(v) -- (0, 0, 0, 0)

local source = Vector.Create(1, 2, 3, 4)
local s2 = Vector.Create(source)

print(s2) -- (1, 2, 3, 4)

Vector Vector.Create()

With no arguments an empty vector with all elements set to zero is returned.

Vector Vector.Create(float x, float y, float z, float w)

Parameter Type Description Optional
x number The x element for the vector. ✓ Default: 0
y number The y element for the vector. ✓ Default: 0
z number The z element for the vector. ✓ Default: 0
w number The w element for the vector. ✓ Default: 0

Vector Vector.Create(Vector source)

Parameter Type Description Optional
source Vector A new vector is created copying all the data from the source.


Performs the cross product on two vectors. If you imagine the two vectors making a plane, the cross product gives the normal for that plane.

void Vector.Cross(Vector destination, Vector left, Vector right)

local xAxis = Vector.Create(1, 0, 0, 0)
local zAxis = Vector.Create(0, 0, 1, 0)
output = Vector.Create()

Vector.Cross(output, xAxis, zAxis)
print(output) -- (0, 1, 0, 0)
Parameter Type Description Optional
destination Vector The vector to store the result in.
left Vector The left vector of the cross.
right Vector The right vector of the cross.


The left vector’s elements are divided by the right and stored in the destination vector.

void Vector.Divide(Vector destination, Vector left, Vector right)

local a = Vector.Create(2, 4, 6, 8)
local b = Vector.Create(2, 2, 2, 2)
output = Vector.Create()

Vector.Divide(output, a, b)
print(output) -- (1, 2, 3, 4)
Parameter Type Description Optional
destination Vector The vector to store the result in.
left Vector The left vector of the divide.
right Vector The right vector of the divide.


Performs a dot product on the X, Y elements for the vector. The dot product calculates the cosine of the angle between two vectors.

a = Vector.Create(0, 1, 0, 0)
b = Vector.Create(0, -1, 0, 0)
output = Vector.Dot2(a, b)
print(output) -- -1

Values range from 1 to -1. If the two input vectors are pointing in the same direction, then the return value will be 1. If the two input vectors are pointing in opposite directions, then the return value will be -1.

void Vector.Dot2(Vector a, Vector b)

Parameter Type Description Optional
left Vector The left vector of the dot.
right Vector The right vector of the dot.


Performs the dot product on the X, Y, Z elements of two vectors. Otherwise the same as Dot2.


Performs the dot product on the X, Y, Z, W elements of two vectors. Otherwise the same as Dot2.


Returns the length of a vector, only taking into account the X and Y elements.

a = Vector.Create(0, 1, 0, 0)
length = a:Length2()
print(length) -- 1

void Vector.Length2(Vector v)

Parameter Type Description Optional
v Vector The vector to calculate the length from.


Same as Length2 but operates on the X, Y and Z elements.


Same as Length4 but operates on the X, Y and Z elements.


Multiply the elements of one vector with another.

a = Vector.Create(0, 1, 0, 0)
b = Vector.Create(1, 1, 1, 1)
c = Vector.Create()
Vector.Multiply(c, a, b)

print(c) -- 0, 1, 0, 0

void Vector.Multiply(Vector destination, Vector left, Vector right)

Parameter Type Description Optional
destination Vector The vector to store the result in.
left Vector The left vector of the mutiply.
right Vector The right vector of the mutiply.


Normalize the vector to a unit vector. Only considers the X, Y elements


Normalize the vector to a unit vector. The same as Normalize2 but for X, Y, Z


Normalize the vector to a unit vector. The same as Normalize3 but for X, Y, Z, W.


Set every element of the vector to the same value.

a = Vector.Create(1, 2, 3, 4)

print(a) -- 2, 2, 2, 2

void Vector.SetBroadcast(Vector vector, number value)

Parameter Type Description Optional
v Vector The vector to write to.
value Vector The number to write into the vector.


Sets the X, Y, Z and W elements of the vector.


Set the X value for a vector.

number Vector.SetX(Vector vector, number value)

Vector v = Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 0)
print(v:X()) -- 20


Set the Y value for a vector.

number Vector.SetY(Vector vector, number value)

Vector v = Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 0)
print(v:Y()) -- 20


Set the Z value for a vector.

number Vector.SetZ(Vector vector, number value)

Vector v = Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 0)
print(v:Z()) -- 20


Set the W value for a vector.

number Vector.SetW(Vector vector, number value)

Vector v = Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 0)
print(v:W()) -- 20


Subtract two vectors.

local v1 = Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 1)
local v2 = Vector.Create(1, 1, 1, 1)

Vector.Subtract(v1, v2) -- (-1, -1, -1, 0)
v1:Subtract(v2) -- (-1, -1, -1, 0)

Vector Vector.SetW(Vector v1, Vector v2)

Parameter Type Description Optional
v1 Vector First vector to subtract.
v2 Vector Second vector to subtract from first


Get the X element for a vector.

number Vector.X(Vector vector)

Vector v = Vector.Create(1, 2, 3, 0)
print(v:X()) -- 1


Get the Y element for a vector.

number Vector.Y(Vector vector)

Vector v = Vector.Create(1, 2, 3, 0)
print(v:Y()) -- 2


Get the Z element for a vector.

number Vector.Z(Vector vector)

Vector v = Vector.Create(1, 2, 3, 0)
print(v:Z()) -- 3


Get the W element for a vector.

number Vector.W(Vector vector)

Vector v = Vector.Create(1, 2, 3, 0)
print(v:W()) -- 0


A metatable entry for infix addition. Uses the Add function.

a = Vector.Create(1,1,1,1)
b = Vector.Create(a)
print(a + b) -- 2,2,2,2


A metatable entry for infix division. Uses the Divide function.

a = Vector.Create(1,1,1,1)
b = Vector.Create(2,2,2,2)
print(a / b) -- 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5


A metatable entry for infix multiplication. Uses the Multiply function.

a = Vector.Create(1,1,1,1)
b = Vector.Create(2,2,2,2)
print(a * b) -- 2, 2, 2, 2


A metatable entry for infix subtraction. Uses the Subtract function.

a = Vector.Create(1,1,1,1)
b = Vector.Create(2,2,2,2)
print(a - b) -- -1, -1, -1, -1


A metatable entry for writing to a string.

-- Ouputs:
-- Vector.Create(0, 0, 0, 0)


A metatable entry for adding a minus to the front of the vector to negate it.

a = -Vector.Create(1, 1, 1, 1)
print(a) -- -1, -1, -1, -1